Learn How To Let Go of The Baggage In Your Life

This mini-course will teach you the importance of letting go of unnecessary baggage. Unnecessary baggage can be a person or emotion. So in this course we will be talking about what that baggage looks like and hoe exactly to let it go. Here are some examples of how we let go on unnecessary baggage:

  • Learn from your past
  • Let go of repeating thoughts
  • Work on YOUR self-esteem

Why Is This Course So Important?

After spending much of my life carrying around excess emotional baggage, I realized it caused nothing but stress and frustration. Emotional baggage weighs you down and hinders us from moving forward in life.

It is my heart to help you get rid of the excess baggage that I have observed many of my sisters carrying so that you can live your best life.

If you truly and finally ready to reclaim peace in your life, I am confident that as you follow along in this mini- course, you will find helpful information that will help you to find peace in your heart, mind and soul.

Alice Porter

Cheryl Eastman is a great Teacher. She is very knowledgeable of the word of God. Very skilled in how she presents the word to God's people. She has a way of capturing her audience with her great sense of humor and laughter.

Elizabeth Bow

Things are very different at this stage in my life with my relationship. My life is by no means perfect, but because Coach Cheryl gave me some clear markers as to the direction I should go, my life is on a whole new page. Thank you Rev. Cheryl for listening to me and walking with me.

Sherryce Harris

Coach Cheryl has been a blessing to me and a light in my darkest days. Her words and her spirit are such a comfort. One thing she told me about my situation is that this is not a fight between you and him but it’s an emotional and spiritual battle. I thank God for her wisdom, her spirit, her guidance, encouragement, her strength and knowledge. 

Seminar Curriculum

  Day 1 - Women Ready to Reclaim Their Peace After Unhealthy Relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2 - Women Ready to Reclaim Their Peace After Unhealthy Relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3 - Women Ready To Reclaim Their Peace After Unhealthy Relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll

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